There's no place like home! Where are the Instructional Design jobs?

We all want a good paying job right? That's the whole purpose of getting a higher ed degree. So where are the instructional design jobs? Doing a quick search on we see the map below with job concentrations in the US:

Sticking with our alma mater, and seeing that instructional designers are in high demand, let's check out Florida:

Orlando tops the chart at 1,101 jobs available with Gainesville trailing at 150. A pretty wide margin. Extrapolating from this data we can assume the same is the case for most if not all of the country.

So what does this tell us? If you're willing to say, "Home is where the work is" then it's a pretty safe bet you'll land a job. Reversely, if your roots are deep then it might be a struggle depending.

What are your thoughts? Are you willing to relocate for a job? What's data where you live? Leave your comments below.


  1. Thanks so much for posting this :) I have lived Orlando so it was good to see. I am open to moving to land a job, but I have to also consider my partner's willingness to relocate... did you look into the stats for Tallahassee?

    1. Hi Grapefruit! I only did a surface level job search for each city. In scanning some of the job postings, Glassdoor is being a little liberal with it's definition of instructional design. Several of the jobs I would not consider to ID so the numbers are probably lower. Still useful info though. Thanks for the comment!


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