Reflection: Week 1

This week has been pretty crazy. Having to start with a little bit of catch up I felt like I was behind the 8-ball right from the beginning. Then I read the requirements for the class and watched Professor Dennen's VoiceThread and really got nervous. This is A LOT of work!

However, like I try and do with all of my tasks, I broke them down into their individual elements and got to work. And in working through each step my nerves calmed and my excitement rose! This class is going to be very educational, and as the Professor said in the VoiceThrread, a lot of fun.

I've worked in Web 2.0 for a while now, some in the social media world, but mostly in asset management and collaboration tools (I know these can be considered "social media" as well, but for my own compartmentalization I choose to define them as such). Because of the prompts I have been forced out of my comfort zone which I appreciate. I've dusted the cobwebs off my twitter account, joined a new reddit thread, started this blog and started interacting with new CoP's in the ID world.

I hope to expand my knowledge of Web 2.0 and Social Media to improve my understanding, discover new tools and techniques, and better prepare myself for a new and exciting career as an Instructional Designer!

What are your thoughts on this class? Are you excited? Nervous? What's something you hope to get out of it? Leave your comments below.


  1. Hey Kyle,

    Definitely excited. This class is pushing me to get out of my comfort zone, but that's where growth happens! Looks like we're in the same's to a good semester.

  2. Hi Kyle!
    I, too, was definitely overwhelmed with the volume of work for this course. As you did, I started by breaking it down, and accomplishing tasks every day. I am brand-new to many of these technologies, so one of my challenges has been finding time to set up and check all of these new accounts.... Even with the Digg Reader, I'm finding the volume of ways to engage a bit difficult to manage, but I feel I'll get there... I am looking forward to learning about all the new tools, and even though it's overwhelming, I truly am excited to expand my personal learning network in this class:).


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