Hello Fellow EME6414 Bloggers!

If you're like me this is something new (and hopefully exciting)! I've never blogged before, but it feels like somewhat of an open diary or journal. Somewhere I post my thoughts on what we're doing as a class and my progression as an Instructional Designer in the realm of Web 2.0.

My initial thoughts...

I don't know if the application of blogging is going to be my cup of tea when it comes to instructional design. I've worked in Web 2.0 applications for the better part of a decade and I feel like blogging draws too much attention to the blogger (and the information being delivered) rather than really being an open discussion/community. With that said I'd love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments. Can the interaction between blogger and blog...ee? really feel like a two-way conversation, or are there other venues/outlets where this can be more effective? If so, what's your favorite place to interact with people on a topic? What are it's pro's and con's?


  1. Your sense is correct -- it's a platform that features a voice. Still, community can build in the comments and across multiple blogs. It doesn't always happen, but it does happen when the right people find each other. Unfortunately, a lot of blogs are just intended as broadcast platforms and so we don't see so many examples of rich dialogues on blogs.

    1. I can see that. I'm wondering if (and if anyone has done this please comment) blogs can be effectively combined with other platforms for different interactions/outcomes. Examples of real world applications would be fantastic! I'll start combing the interwebs and if anyone else finds them please post :)

    2. Argh! Just typed a comment and it got lost when I hit send. Repeated, in brief: Yes, people tie together communities across various platforms, and we'll be getting into all of this more during Week 2. It's not always a formal "branded" community connection, but it definitely is there.

  2. Hey, I'm with Vanessa! I feel like there is a lot of potential for that Web 2.0 interactivity if people can find another blog that jives with them. For example, if we both made a post about a similar topic and linked to each other's posts to give another perspective. Or just staying very active in the comments and using other peers' blog posts as they relate to the conversation. The potential is there, but it's up to us to foster that interactivity.

    I was actually thinking of making a blog post about our Trello board that we use for our group project in Trends and Issues. Since you organized this, maybe you can chime in too? Perhaps I can include a paragraph of yours in my blog post and kick it back to your blog? What do you think?

    1. Hey Devlin! Thanks for the reply. Yes I definitely see the potential for blogs, I'm just curious if anyone has found a different/more effective means for two-way conversation.

      And definitely let's talk Trello! I'll post a promo for it today :)


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